General Hospital

‘General Hospital’ Family Mourns Another Tragic Death

Nneka Garland - Laura Wrihght - Lisa LoCicero - GH

Heartbreaking news for soap fans as the General Hospital family was forced to say goodbye to one of their own. Turns out a face behind the scenes of the ABC soap has passed away. And, several members of the GH family are turning to social media to mourn this upsetting death.

General Hospital star Kelly Thiebaud was one of many who took to Instagram to mourn the tragic passing of someone near and dear to her heart. Kelly told her 142K followers she was absolutely gutted to learn this staple in the GH family had passed away.

What death is the General Hospital family currently mourning?

Britt General Hospital

General Hospital family mourns shocking and tragic death

At just 49 years old, N’Neka Garland has passed away. While fans of General Hospital may not recognize the name, Kelly Thiebaud tells Instagram that if the ABC soap was a house, N’Neka Garland “was the walls” holding the house together.

Kelly continued: “She was everything to our show and to everyone that worked there. I used to joke that I didn’t know how she managed it all because she was so involved with everything behind the scenes.”

The GH star shared a photo of herself with Garland stating that the photo was from Kelly’s last week working on the show. Check out the photo she shared down below:

Kelly Thiebaud – Instagram

Per, N’Neka Garland worked as a producer for General Hospital from 2015 up until the time of her death. She also worked as an assistant to the executive producer prior to that.

Laura Wright joined in taking to Instagram to mourn the passing of this “shining star.” She recalled how much warmth N’Neka Garland could bring to a room with her smile and her laughter.

You had the gift of making everyone feel like they were your favorite. I feel so, so lucky to have known you.

She concluded: “My heart is really, really sad tonight. And those who knew N’Neka – they understand.”

Laura Wright GH Instagram

Fans joined in mourning the sad news

As past and present General Hospital stars mourned the passing of Garland, fans poured into the comments with kind words and well wishes.

One of many fans penned: “So sorry. My heart goes out to her family, to you, and to all that adored her.”

Rest in peace, N’Neka Garland. General Hospital fans’ thoughts and prayers are with the GH family during this difficult time.

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