General Hospital

General Hospital Comings And Goings: Leslie Charleson Is Back!

General Hospital Comings and Goings: Leslie Charleson Is Back!

General Hospital comings and goings indicate that one fan favorite is leaving while another one is coming back! As many viewers already know, actress Chloe Lanier is leaving the soap in order to pursue other projects in the entertainment industry. She is best known for her role as the villainous Nelle. In the meantime, actress Leslie Charleson, who plays Monica, is scheduled to return to Port Charles as early as next week.

According to ABC Soaps in Depth, Emmy winner Chloe is wrapping up her last few episodes this month, which means fans will be seeing her final episodes in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, actress Leslie Charleson is scheduled to return by this week. She’s been out of commission since last April. She suffered a leg injury that occurred after she accidentally tripped over her dog at home. Actress Patty McCormack has been filling in as her replacement.

Now, as far as what will happen to Chloe’s character Nelle remains to be seen. So far General Hospital producers have made no comments as to whether or not they plan on recasting the role. Then again, there’s a chance that producers can leave the door open for Chloe and her return. After all, many daytime television stars know that anything can happen at any time.

Either way, viewers will definitely miss Nelle but at the same time cant’ wait to see Leslie back on the canvas again. Fans will just have to tune in to see what happens next!

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times. In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. And as always, don’t forget to check back with Celebrating The Soaps for all the latest news, updates and spoilers on General Hospital and all of your favorite daytime television shows right here!

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network.

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